
By Carscribe

Colour junkie

Where is the year going? It seems hard to believe that it is August already. Someone just told me that there are only 143 sleeps left until Christmas. I do not wish to know that, thanks!

Had chats today with a friend in Australia, who complained of bitterly cold winter weather, and on Facetime with my dear friend Caroline in Canada, where the summer seems to be a bit cooler than usual. It puts into context the claims of those who are saying that our lovely warm (for England) summer is down to global warming. Yesterday's visit to the Roman villa reminded me that vineyards thrived in Kent during the hot summers back then.

I love the flowers adorning some of the cottages around here in this lovely sunny weather. This is one of the most colourful, a veritable feast of pinkness. I especially love the stars.

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