All's Well That Ends Well

Today was a day I wasn't expecting.

It started normally enough. I met a friend for lunch and it was very pleasant. I went to the post office to pick up some euros.

While I was waiting in the queue, I saw an older couple come in looking a bit confused and frustrated. They were behind me in the queue and I asked if they were visiting Edinburgh. It turns out they are from Ottawa, Canada's capital where I lived for five years and adore, and they had just been robbed on the Royal Mile.

My heart sunk for them. I know how horrible it can be to lose a wallet with cards but here they were on holiday without a penny and a little lost how to get any money. I stayed with them through the afternoon trying to figure out how they could get their own money and enjoy the rest of their holiday. Mostly I tried to assure them that it would get better. They had seen the film The Exotic Marigold Hotel so I reminded them of the saying of the hotel manager - All's well that ends well. If it isn't well, it isn't the end.

By the time I left them they had calmed down, spoken to their banks, had cash in hand and knew how to get more. They had about an hour before they were due to rejoin their tour to see the Tattoo and they asked me where in the centre of town they could go for some dinner. I hadn't a clue!

Thank you for your kind comments, stars and hearts the past few days. We're off to Amsterdam in the morning and when we get settled normal service will resume. Thank you again.

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