Thistle Pollen and a Leaf-cutter Bee

I though I was after a shot of the bee. But upon review, the sparkling pollen in the thistle stole the show for me. Well, that and the bee's eye... don't those leaf-cutters have the most wonderful eyes?!

Large is where it's at if you want to view the pollen...

I also really liked this simple shot of a dragonfly on a single piece of wheatgrass.

Well, we sent Lula the puppy back to her mom and things can get back to normal around here. :) She was fun and sweet and a lot of work and I'm oh so tired. Our dogs did really well with her, but they too are pretty tired from all the commotion and happy to have the house back to normal. Oh, and did I mention that I get to sleep tonight... all the way through... no puppy pee breaks... Ahhhh, that sound so nice!

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