
By Ridgeback13


Gorgeous day at Tahoe. We started with breakfast on the deck again, then set off to climb to Eagle Lake via the waterfalls. Felt like a very long way-very hot and a steep climb-but wasn't really, and very beautiful so worth the hike. Met some interesting people on the way up, including man with a dog carrying his own supplies and wearing little hiking shoes (the dog that is!).
Once we got back to the car we nipped down to the south of the lake for petrol and some late lunch (BBQ brisket-very good!) then up to Meeks Bay to enjoy some beach and swimming time-lot of fun trying to get our coracle style inflatables to go where we wanted (and failing!)
Watched the sunset from a bar by the lake (slowest barman on earth!) then nice pizza to share til it got dark enough to star gaze. Managed to see a shooting star but then clouds covered too much of the sky so we gave in. Another lovely day.

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