Grace and Elizabeth at Antigua Boatsheds

Today I met up with blippers Mummahen, Artival, Optomist, Gingernan, Spikes2013 and my old mucker Daring2Go at the Antigua Boatsheds, on the banks of the Avon in Christchurch.

Mummahen and hubby were in town, and it was lovely to meet them (always good to put a face to a blip handle!) and to talk to Mr MH about shooting the night sky.

After a refreshing cup of coffee and chat, I wandered into the boat shed to grab this shot of the insides, and of one of the chaps demonstrating how to feather a blade.. I love the blazers, not to mention those gorgeous punts.

This one's another from the fish eye. I must say, I do love the perspective it provides for interiors like this. It's just like being there :-)

Thanks also to all who commented on yesterday's big pano - and for helping in sending it to the spotlight :-)

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