
By philmorris

Kenilworth Castle

Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire

Got myself into work today and stuck it, which I was pleased about. Far better than being cross with myself for lacking bottle.

From mid-afternoon onwards the day was particularly grim. Blanket cloud cover with occasional driblets. The clouds were ill defined. No light and dark and no racing about. They were just sat there, brewing, with heavy guts.

Since Cath and I went over to Leek Wootton for the usual helpings of cottage pie and lasagne, we weren't home until around 8:30, and with not a pickie to my name for August 2014, it would be necessary to venture out after sundown.

This picture is the sum of three bracketed exposures, 4", 15" and 30". The colours were strongly blue shifted and I evidently need to learn more about white balance. So ghastly, the way to go was mono.

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