In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Early one morning

Well this morning to be prescise, I ended up spending some time at Aberdeen Emergency Care in the hospital.
No, I wasn't attacked by an irate customer.
Nor was I involved in a road accident.
I also never fell out of my loft as I did a few years ago.

The cause of my visit was that the rubber plug at the end of my hearing aid came off and was stuck in my ear canal. My right canal is narrower than the left one, which has caused feedback problems in the past. It makes for a tighter fit too.

It is just as well it wasn't too busy, as after a wait of around 20 minutes a nice nurse managed to remove it with some tweezers. We couldn't get it to go back onto the receiver though, so it will be a quick visit to the clinic on Monday.

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