East Timor

Gina and I ran round the shops this morning trying to get all of the bits of our bathroom renovation, which we're going to break the bank over whilst we're in the UK in a few weeks.

We managed to get our tiles sorted without too many problems (and amazingly they came in under budget... when does that ever happen!?).
The rest of the stuff was a bit more problematic, as for some reason all of the bathroom shops in Melbourne close at 12pm. Incredible. On a Saturday.

Thankfully Di at Tradlink helped us out and even stayed an extra 15 minutes (we were in there for 1 hour in total). We picked all of our bits and bobs and she sent us through the pricing...

Looks like we'll have to do a bit of adjustment to the selection (mainly the vanity... that is one expensive bit of furniture!).

I spent the rest of the day in work, trying to get my lecture written... still not there and I'm still going to have to burn the midnight oil to pull it out of the bag.

For now though, The King of Kong is on TV and that is an amazing documentary, so relaxation tonight!

In case you missed it, The Shivering Timbers' first music video can be found here (I'm on the drums).

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