
It has been hard switching my brain into gear today. A full day of preparations for a full day tomorrow. I've been working in the lounge and have been slightly distracted by the woodpecker. He arrived first thing but I didn't have my camera and by the time I got it he had gone. He was back an hour or so later when it was raining and I got a few shots from my chair about 6ft away from a very wet window, not great but one would have been ok to post. I tried moving to the conservatory but he flew as soon as I got there.

Three times this afternoon he came back. Twice I took some photos from my chair before I moved, then tried to go into the conservatory for a nearer shot. I was crawling on my hands and knees, keeping my head below the window so he couldn't see me ... but he did!

On his third return I finally managed this capture, again from my chair 6ft from the window. He insisted on hiding on the bush side of the feeder and it was swinging quite a bit so you couldn't see much of him on many of the shots.

SOOC except for a crop.

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