My first picture

By ColinCampbell

Sunday morning

I got up early for a run this morning. With 2 weeks left till the Carnethy 5 I wanted to get a long hilly run in.

I was running by quarter past nine. Dragging my bones up Turnhouse really hurt. My calfs were screaming at me and I was beginning to think that I'd not go that far. Half way up Carnethy I realised that I was cruising a bit more. The last 3 hills I more or less bounced up. I felt so good that I took the long way home. The morning was amazing: fresh, crisp, cold, blue skies and solid underfoot. I had a great time. I met lots of other runners, probably with the same thing in mind as me.

In the end I was out for 2.5 hours.

Sara and Emilio put on a great Burns lunch and now I'm relaxing the rest of the weekend away.

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