
By Herbster

Rainy day

Rain, rain, rain!! Will left early this morning and Herbie was up from 6am, so a nice long day, with no sunshine.

Spent most of the morning over at C & G's, playing, eating and generally chilling out and letting the boys play/ grab hair etc.

After another good meal, herbie had a strangely disturbed lunch time sleep. It was as if he was having some kind of nightmare? The only thing that calmed him was me saying loudly, "wake up Herbie". He seemed to open his eyes and calm, most strange? He went back off for another half hour in my arms which was the most perfect thing I could do on a rainy afternoon.

The afternoon heralded a break in the sun and a parcel delivery for Eliott. A new bike. So there was only one thing for it! A bike ride in the park.

It was so so amazing watching you boys on your little bikes, riding through the puddles and just being so Independent, totally amazing. All happy until you face planted into a fairly deep and muddy puddle! Boy did you cry. I think it was the shock more that anything, as it was not a hard fall. Luckily mummy had spare cloths and dry shoes.

A memorable first outing on your bikes, in the rain and thunder, on summers afternoon. Thanks boys. X

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