Another Languedoc year...

By SweetApricots

Today started

badly and went downhill from there. Dog no. 2 took the bandage off his wound from yesterday's surgery. Dog no. 3 had a swollen, hot and painful leg so had to be taken to the vet. Two x rays later we're none the wiser but were told it isn't the bone tumour the vet feared. Both dogs have to go back to the vet on Monday. Dog no 1 will be furious if we leave her alone, so all three will come. Mum was in full alzheimer mode when I went to shower her. She was very confused and couldn't complete any sentences. Arrived home just as the mother of all storms broke out. Electricity went within moments. The basement flooded and we spent the next three hours with the generator going and pumps gushing water over the flower beds. Checked the neighbours were OK to find their kitchen ceiling had fallen in and they were on the phone to the fire brigade. While we were there another section crashed down on Ali's head. No fewer than eight firemen and the architect turned up. Good to see the fireman holding the ladder is the only person with a helmet.

Then England lost the hockey and the netball. However, as Ali says, it all pales into insignificance beside the troubles in Gaza.

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