Off Centre

By RachelCarter

"I am sand"

Tess demonstrating how I feel today.

There's good news and there's not good news.

The good newses are:
I've finished the VAT return (albeit 2 days late). Before I finished it, I allowed myself an hour off to get some fresh air - hence the beach shot.
And a camera I ordered for Tess arrived today so she can record our annual "staycation". Every year we have a really great summer not going anywhere and not having much time together as a family. I thought she might like to get some really great shots of us not doing much. Should be fun.

The not so good news is all these days at a desk - stressing, and missing the sunshine, missing gardening, missing walking and missing just generally moving have taken their toll on me and I feel really unhealthy. I seem to fall apart really easily if I don't eat, sleep and move right and I've been getting all those things wrong recently.

I'm also feeling really low about something else that's crap. I feel I've handled something badly and it's consumed a lot of me today, and there's nothing more I can do about it.

My back is not made of oily feathers like a duck or shiny hair that you can just brush off. It's made of some kind of porous stuff that absorbs everything but doesn't let go of things. I'm trying to work out how and why I shouldn't let things get to me but not letting things get to me doesn't make sense so I'm not getting anywhere.


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