
By kevinG

Bear Scare

Woke up and went to line up. Told a bad pirate joke.


Environmental Science merit badge class with Kyle Rhodehouse at Nature.

Citizenship in the Nation across camp with Chris Boyle at the Glaze.

Personal Fitness with Justin Manning at Field Sports.

Safety drill. Lunch, but I didn't eat anything.

Free time. I built a pull up bar with Nick Cammarata for our troop gadget.

Graphic Arts with Chocolate Milk (Austin) at the Craft Lodge. Designed a t-shirt. It doesn't look good at all.

Public Speaking with Mike Boyle at the Council House. I gave a two minute speak about myself.

Back to camp.

Everyone saw bears, hence the title.

Lineup for dinner. Told another bad pirate joke.


Went to slip 'n' slide. I didn't do it.

Scavenger hunt. We won!

Back to the campsite.

Took showers.


Going to bed now.


Today's Random Thoughts:

I hate the term sleep-away camp because you do more than just sleep there.

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