Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

just floating around

A well deserved lay in this morning....7:45am was all I could manage as the weather looked fab, and to be frank, I was excited about a day packed full of outside!

After the essential chores had been done and the washing out on the line it was bike time.

Two and a half hours of riding, sprint training and just good old 'being' on the bike later and I was as happy as a pig in you know what! The wind had gotten up while I was out so the washing was good and dry...time for some gardening. At one point lots of seed pods came through the garden and I had my camera to hand...always wanted to see if I could catch one in flight. I sat in front of the black bin waiting...waiting......waiting and then boom..just right!

What a wonderful day so far...just floating around!!

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