The big three year old sister

Olivia's third birthday was shared with her baby brother this year. We visited your Aunty Nic (God Mum) and Uncle Dave this morning who spoiled you and then we all headed to 'The Arc' which is a soft play near them. In the afternoon we headed to Granny Franny's, Aunty Heather and Uncle Hags's (as you call him) house for birthday cake!

Just like in previous years you seem to have '3' birthdays - one in Oman, one with my family and one with hubby's family! You are a lucky girl and thoroughly deserve it!

You have been an amazing big sister to your little brother so far and love cuddling him and counting his fingers and toes. You even try and breastfeed your cuddly toys when you see me feeding Dex which is super cute.

You are a fantastic little girl and we all love you dearly, xxxx

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