Rubbish Day

Yet more rain today.

Day started well enough, got to about 3,000 fotos, and then the rain came in and washed out the day.

This was easily the happiest person on the mountain today, first running up, and then running down. Usually I don't photograph the people on foot - they tend to be the most miserable of the miserable, but this guy both times was posing for the camera - not just posing - but calling to have his photograph taken.

Cyclists were mostly beyond miserable. But then again, hypothermia was setting in on most of them.

I'm told that this is the worst summer in the whole region for 30 years, but it breaks today and we're in clear weather for the rest of the summer, what's left of it. Lets hope so. I still need 186,000 fotos to reach this years' target.

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