Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Bathrooms and beaches

We started the day with a super whizzy presentation of the bathroom of my dreams. Well, bathrooms of my dreams that would actually fit into this house! Unfortunately though the price ticket was too high, so it's back to the bathroom drawing board!
After lunch in the garden with Grandma, who had been mini and Peppa pink sitting, and a brief visit from friends; the minis, Peppa, and Mr Pink headed to the beach. I stayed behind to catch up a bit on a small mountain of sewing.
At the beach, master P went swimming in his clothes (!), miss Pink played on the beach, and Mr Pink and Peppa played frisbee. Frisbee is Peppa's new favourite thing. It's almost as exciting as stripping tennis balls.
We finished the day off with a pizza, and "the Croods".

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