
By cowgirl

Hamwall RSPB Nature Reserve

Took a drive over to the reserve, which is just past Glastonbury. There wasn't much bird life about other than a few swans and egrets, though we did meet another camera buff who'd been teased by a bittern. It flew over his head too quickly for him to be able to get it in focus. His mate, who wasn't with him when we met him, had managed a good shot though. He said he wasn't at all jealous, very pleased for him, as he gritted his teeth and fixed a smile on his face!

I tried in vain to get a shot of the dragonflies that were the size of small birds. They were too fast for me, but later on whilst looking at the pics when I got home I saw one had passed my lens as I took a few shots of Glastonbury Tor that was visible from this view point.

As the guy with the blurred bittern shots said, sometimes you think they're deliberately having a laugh at your expense!

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