what we did today...

By SarnieV

XX commonwealth games 2014

Today we headed over to Glasgow Green to watch the cycling road race. It was a great atmosphere, despite the wet weather. C, D, G and A loved collecting all the freebies as reminders of the event. This pic is the very start of the men's race. It was chucking it down so shortly after this we huddled in the shelter for our picnic. After lunch we met up with the Wilkinsons and did some cheering right by the finish. Then the heavens opened and it absolutely poured it down for over half an hour. We abandoned the games and headed home. I've never seen the roads of Glasgow so full of water. It was like walking up a river. We were completely soaked despite waterproof coats and umbrellas. Everyone gave up trying to miss the puddles as the whole street was a river. It was fun tho and we all had a bit of a laugh splashing out way back to High St station.

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