
By disdatdudda

sun & moon

(my first morning entry!!! good morning!)

"The moon's an arrant thief,
And her pale fire she snatches from the sun."

William Shakespeare

(here we go again...you can be so harsh sometimes, william!)

"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it"
Ninon de Lenclos

(hope so...yesterday was sort of dull)

"I like to think that the moon is there even if I am not looking at it" Albert Einstein

"The moon, like a flower
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night."

William Blake

(and this morning!!!)

"No matter how dark the night, somehow the sun rises once again and all shadows are chased away"
David Matthew

(sun reflecting on windows, trying to convince moon it was his turn. would she listen?. Well, yes,eventually...)

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."Buddha

and the truth is...

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