A Gang of Sunflowers

Today's blip is a bit down to earth... looking down on this group of sunflowers that have planted themselves in the wild birds's own garden. The black oil sunflower seeds are the favourites of many of the finches, chickadees cardinals and other birds that eat from the best (in their opinion) bird feeder. Now they have made certain new seeds will be available to them. The bees are busy on the face of the flowers. I hope there will be seeds for the birds before frost arrives... not a problem. None is expected for at least 2 months. I hope.
I am going to try planting some broccoli seeds this week. In the past I have read that this the best time to get a tasty crop of broccoli when the first frost touches the plants and works it's magic.
Somehow the heat and humidity of summer has never invited me outside for seed planting or any gardening. But we are enjoying such a reasonably warm and not too humid summer this season that I was inspired this morning to clear a little space in a raised bed in between the blooming white flowered borage, three potato plants, and young liatris bulbs. Broccoli fresh from the garden would be a treat.
While weeding I 'harvested" a golf ball sized white potato. It went into the chicken and vegetable stew slow cooking at home right now.
Thanks to everyone for the kind comment for yesterday's odd blip!

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