Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

4th August 2014

Went out for a bike ride; came back after a mile as my tyres were flat! So the tyres were inflated and I lowered the seat as much as I could so that Dad could get on it. So we set off again after lunch!

Got to the care home and Dad was insistent that we go out and buy him a bike. So I told him we had cycled over and he can have a go on mine. Well, what a palaver. It took two of the carers and me to get him on it and then he instantly wanted to get off. Took a struggle but we got him off again. He skulked up to his room and we sat with him whilst he got his frustration out. He was so adamant that a bike was the best exercise for him and then he admitted it was wrong and it had left him feeling scared as he thought he was going to fall. So now he's agreed to start doing his exercises that the physiotherapist had told him to do. I just hope this doesn't leave him feeling too depressed.

So we cycled the six miles home and now my backside is a tad sore. It's not even my bike, we found it in Dad's garage so it probably belongs to my sister. It definitely needs a more comfortable seat!!

Knit and natter night with the WI ladies, so queue my darling husband taking the mickey out of me. He can laugh but I left him at home bathing and putting the girls to bed, whilst I sat chatting and drinking tea!!

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