A Feather In My Cap
We had a very moving all-age WW1 commemoration on Monday afternoon. We were shown images of Quakers past and present working for peace. Then we heard four readings from 1914-15, given by Friends across a range of ages, about different responses of Friends at the time to the challenges the War presented them with.
A cardboard white feather had been placed on each of our seats before the worship session. For the concluding part of it, we were asked to reflect on two questions:
"What can you do to make the world a happy and peaceful place?"
"What does it mean to be a peacemaker?"
We were then invited to write our responses on our white feather and share them with the person next to us, either in discussion or by simply showing them our feather.
In the same order as the questions, my answers were:
Try to return anger, hate and aggression with love and understanding
To be willing to stand up and be counted, even at risk to oneself
How might you choose to answer?
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