Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

A Red Admiral.

We have been out today to a village called Bosham which lies in the Chichester Harbour area. It is well known for it's sailing club and its local shops for tourists.
It is a picture post card setting and if you are ever this way, it is well worth a visit.

There is a Quay where all the dinghies and medium size sail boats are made fast to, and the Sailing Club hut is right on the end of the Quay, which was today quite busy.

As we walked back from the Quay we passed the village church, I saw this Buddliea tree amongst the many graves there and then took umpteen shots of this Red Admiral. There were other Red Admirals as well as Bees but I was hanging over a wall to get more shots.
Well worth going LARGE

I was spoilt for choice and am pleased with this one as it was the best of the many I took.

After leaving the village we went on to the local garden centre and nosed around there for awhile before we made our way home.

It was a very nice time out.

Enjoy and take care.

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