A dinner date?!

Tonight Ann has a dinner date.

She is cooking. And before all you 'Blippers' get excited and think there is a new man in her life – there’s not!!! Yes, a man is coming for dinner but he’s an old friend. Old in the sense that Ann’s known him for years and old in the sense that he’s older than Ann!!

Ann’s gone a bit 'Come dine with me'. This is tonight’s menu.

Prawn & lemon fishcake served on a bed of rocket leaves dressed with balsamic vinegar

Chicken breast stuffed with stilton cheese & wrapped in parma ham, served with herby baby potatoes and sautéed mushrooms and courgettes

Swiss Chocolate Cheesecake OK she bought that at Tesco

All washed down with a bottle of Prosecco.

Anyway, for my walk this afternoon we went through the fields so that I could have a good run about. I had a good run about, but that made me hot and thirsty. When we passed a field where there’s sometimes cows, I knew that there would probably be a trough. I’m very intelligent and know that fields that have animals in them also have water. So I went running about looking for it.

Ann yelled, ‘Molly, please don’t. I really don’t want the house to smell of wet collie.’

………….But I just ignored her. And now the house does smell of wet collie!!!

Ann thinks she might buy shares in 'Frebreze'. Lol!

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