Washing a pig :)

Lily and I had a girl's afternoon out. We were hoping Nanan might be able to join us but she was otherwise detained, and then Diddy decided he didn't want to come out with us either (preferring to stay home and play shops/lego with daddy) so we headed out to Cockfields Farm on our own. It was lovely! So nice to have a bit of time with her on my own. It always surprises me how chatty she is when D isn't around too.

The place is only small, but it wasn't busy and meant we could get hands on with the animals. She cuddled a couple of guinea pigs, stroked rabbits and ducklings and we fed the lambs, goats, llama and donkeys. There were some big inflatables to play on and tractors to drive and a mini beast hunt (we only found a worm before she got bored). The highlight was clearly getting to scrub a pig with a brush though :)

There's a big shop with loads of reptiles and fish, snakes, lizards, bearded dragons, tortoises etc so we spent a good hour wandering round there too looking for nemo and pointing out all the different fish. Lily decided they had "funny faces" and kept shouting "watch out! pinger!" (finger) - she didn't quite grasp that things couldn't bite us from behind the glass, bless her.

We came home to sunflowers from the boys ...and more lego.

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