Girl Talk

Back in the meadow of yesterday, capering around on the very wet grass as it just just rained I was hunting the elusive Large Blue butterfly reintroduced here as it was extinct. Sitting on the soaking grass photographing this pair was a very wet and dismal affair but still quite satisfying seeing them so close.

Catching sight of a pair of ears 100 foot away I thought it was a deer coming towards us but it was a fox. Hurriedly bobbing back down into the grasses I changed the lens, attached the dog lead and then thought better off attaching the lead to the camera bag as I could see all the camera gear careering down the hill, at speed!! Crept forward and waited... he came slowly down the track but he was no fool and we met eye to eye. Both so very still. I took a couple of shots but he didn't want to be blipped and sauntered through a gap in the fence. C'est la vie as they say!

Girl talk here - probably complaining about the weather as it then started to teem down rather like monsoon conditions. We sheltered under the trees and then hot footed it to the car. Soaked!!! Both Tilly and I looked like drowned rats at the end of this sortie!

I must add that I did try to set up a shot with 3 butterflies in one go just for a laugh, for you Richard Donkin :)) Keeling down the butterflies were all around so I picked a stem of grass with a butterfly on, put it next to these two that were on the stem but as the stalk wasn't long enough it didn't get in the shot especially as I was using one hand at this point. The two flew off but I still had the one on the stem in my hand - in the rain I add!

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