Chris L

By ChrisL


What is that thing he keeps pointing at me?

Jaffa spent her first night here in the crate (it's not a cage, it just looks like one) and although she wasn't entirely happy she did make it through the night without any accidents, which was a surprise. Hopefully each night will get easier as she learns that we will come back for her. She even went in it today for a nap, so that's good. It's quickly dawning on me how much we have to learn and so little time to do it in. In that regard it really is like having a baby - you can read all the books you can find but nothing really prepares you for actually having to deal with it yourself.

She also had her first trip to the vets today. This little dog doesn't seem to be too bothered by anything so far. We're going to have to watch it or she'll end up being in charge of the house.

And I promise the dog pictures will stop soon.

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