From little acorns...

By wolenski

On the up

I was waiting in Belfast City Airport for my flight home. I had grabbed a seat and was reading the last few chapters of my book, with the occasional glance round to see what was going on.
I spotted this chap, and more importantly, the page he was reading, just sitting down from me by about 6 seats.
I has a feeling the story was about the company I work for, and my curiosity got the better of me.
My plan of action was to move over to the window and take an interest in the runway, then turn around and sneakily take a pic over the chaps shoulder.
I honestly think I would have been less conspicuous if I'd been wearing a beige trench coat, trilby hat, dark glasses and a card in the hat stating M. Wolenski, Private Investigator.

Still, shares are up! :-)

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