Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

On delicacy and destruction..

Human beings.....capable of outstanding beauty, kindness, compassion and forgiveness....we are such stuff as stars are made from. We can also be the most destructive and lazy bastards on the planet! Cycling through the lovely tranquil paths and byways of Cambridge this morning was a delight until, that is, I got to the common.

Amid the tall grasses and wonderfully abundant wild flowers, all now having seen their best, lay the detritus of human occupancy. Beer cans, wrappers of all sorts, bottles and fag butts...all within a pace or two of a large Empty waste bin! Lazy, lazy, selfish bastards!

So, I set about tidying up a be joined by a young girl who, she said, was just going to go by. Seeing me tidying spurred her on. We chatted about how lovely the common was and how she liked to run there...once it looked better we laughed and commented on how we could probably do this every day....

Simple actions make a huge difference...not alone in my love of these places we can all out weigh the lesser of us all....."all it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing".....too true I'm afraid.

So off to work where I will try to have the most positive effect I can....:)

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