The steam trains of the South Limburg are located in Simpelveld. The route from Kerkrade to Valkenburg is an part of the "Miljoenenlijntje".
The origin of the "Miljoenenlijn" dates back to the early twenties of the last century. Then for more than one million guilders per kilometer rail link between Kerkrade and Simpelveld constructed which connection provides the coal trail of Aachen-Maastrichter Eisenbahn and the rest of the Netherlands.
The construction started in 1925 and is implemented by the Railway construction company from Utrecht, a subsidiary of the NS. The construction was difficult and expensive. Thus threatened by mining subsidence continued to emerge. To keep the height as low as possible in the hilly area lot of ground resistance. While in the valley of the Anselerbeek Kerkrade in the embankment 32 feet is increased, the railway line between Kerkrade and Simpelveld comes - not too much having to rise and fall - to placed 18 meters below ground level. The Miljoenenlijn is to this day a trace monument of great cultural and historical value, that still appeals to the imagination. For old and young!
The total serie you can see on my Flickr site:
Station Simpelveld
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