
By Chook

The Hazards of Jogging in a Skirt

You might think I've done this shot before. You might be right, except that shot was from the other side of the bridge. At sunset, not sunrise. And with workers, not joggers. And the lights weren't on. So there.

Fell into bed at 9pm last night, which meant I was wide awake at 5am. Read for a while, then decided to go for a walk to take advantage of the early morning light, and stretch out the legs before the heat of the day set in. I wasn't the only one with that idea - seemed like the whole of Melbourne was out jogging. Even saw a girl running in a little black shiny skirt. Who goes out running in a skirt? Surely that would increase the chafing...

C and I are going to Nareen tomorrow, so I'm running round like a loony today trying to get my life organised. Insurance, car service, new wheel to replace the one that was stolen from my car, college training applications, contracts, salary packaging, bills, house hunting... and a new diary, so that hopefully I won't get this disorganised again!

Dinner at Pascoe tonight. Been ages since I've seen everyone. Can't wait.

BIGGIFY this one for a better view.

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