
Today we visited a magnificent sculpture park in Dorset.

I cannot begin to describe the scale, the grandeur and the art so to get a better idea, please visit their website.

This huge sculpture is a depiction of Thoth, and the artist, Simon Gudgeon describes the piece as follows.

Thoth (pronounced tehuti) was the Egyptian God of the moon, wisdom and magic. Ancient myth tells us that it was Thoth that ‘measured the heavens and planned the earth’. Thoth is often depicted with the head of an ibis, its crescent-shaped beak links the bird to the shape of the new moon, a symbol of a source that has governed the seasons and night and day throughout time. The shape of the tail is also an inference to the moon, forming a beautiful crescent shape.

We were introduced to this wonderful site by vortexview and her husband.

If you are in this area, I urge you to visit, but you must book and it is age limited so unfortunately children are not able to go.

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