
By weewilkie

Sploooosh !!

A day at the water park today, largely to keep the kids and amigos happy. After trying to get to it through the tight winding streets of a pueblo with three empty crosses perched high on a hill overlooking it we arrived at the water place atop the arid ridges of the mountain.
Water is life. In these dry, scorching places you realise this with absolute certainty after you've waited 20 minutes in a queue for a ride. You bake. Your feet broil. Sweat attracts the flies and dust. Then, when you enter the wet stuff, it's like a blessing from deep benign force.
As the climate change heats up, increasing with the population it is reckoned that water security is the thing that war will be waged over. It will become more precious than our precious metals. You really feel its value in heat and near desert where we were today.
So I hope this image is a refreshing one. We are two days from being back in Glasgow which, no matter the climate change, will not suffer from water shortage.

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