The Red Lichtie

By kaz125

Tams Devil

Today was the night caching event and along with Jackie we had produced a trail in the woods based on Tam O Shanter. This was the bagpipe playing devil which was placed at one of the set pieces along the trail.
Although it was Jackie and us who had planned all the electronics and done all the prior preparation for the trail we had a huge group of people helping today to do the finishing touches and offering to take shifts of jumping out at people (the witches) or pointing people along the way with a wee dram of dutch courage. We had people who had only ever chatted briefly before this week leave as friends for life. We even had one guy who wasn't planning on camping nip home to collect his camp bed and sleeping bag so he could spend a few nights under one of the gazebos we had as he was having such a good time!

The night event/trail was a big hit helped by a lot of hard work by a lot of friends

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