
By Jillybean

Can't Wait For Spring

Spring is my favorite season. I'm so sick of the cold. I want it to be sunny and i want a Coolata. No more hot chocolate please.

Played with my puppies in the graveyard today. Bella ate a clam shell...I don't even know why there was a clam shell in the graveyard. But she ate it.

I got my bio test back today...Disaster...really just bad bad bad.

(4. Call her in the middle of the night to ask if she's sleeping. If she is say you say "you better be". Repeat this 4 or 5 times until morning. This will show her you care.)
- from the list of 26 Ways to Impress a girl [only not a single on is true...its just really funny.]

sry for the 'boring blip' sighhh

"When you love someone you celebrate their successes and help them keep moving forward, even if that means you get left behind"
-S. Linton

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