My Everyday

By MyEveryday


I had the opportunity to observe my daughter's ballet class tonight. There is nothing sweeter than a group of 3-5 year old girls "hiding from the sugar bear" and "picking candy from the trees." Something especially neat about the class is the woman who teaches; she is actually the mom of a very close friend of mine, Teacher Paula has been teaching for at least 20 years in our small town of 10,000 people. I don't think I can count on both hands how many of my friends took ballet from her when they were my daughter's age.

Ms B was very excited to have me in class tonight. As expected, the girls all act a bit differently with all the parents and relatives there to watch. As the girls were performing, my daughter's eyes met mine, and she gave me the "I love you" sign, a sign we have been using since she was just a one year old. She then ran to me at the end of class yelling "Mommeeeeee." What a special night it was...

*Ms B is on the far right :)

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