
Kind of a bummer - the Nikon D600 has had an issue with throwing black specks and even oil spots onto the sensor - I have known this and known mine did it - but have been ignoring the situation. A good friend with same camera pursued the Nikon offer to clean and after two cleanings he has a replacement D610 - I guess they decided they were not going to solve it otherwise. So -----I decided it was time as basically none of my images of the 5,588 I have taken on it would be any good in print form unless very small. I wish they would just issue a recall, that would be the "right" thing to do.

So this is the test that I did of a shot of white paper and then putting that into Photo Shop and apply "auto levels". You can see the specks here and if you go large even better. The interesting shapes must be the light as it hit the white paper. That did not show up until it went in Auto Levels. That in itself is an interesting photo "trick".

So it will be the IPhone for awhile, up to a month.

And I knew all of my blip circle would have the same feelings regarding Gaza - It is so good to be on the same page with other humans.

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