Smile on!

By Silverpritt


DH had to work today, so I was tasked with entertaining the girls for the whole day, which was no easy feat.

I enlisted the help of my sister's family and my aunt, so that the adults would still outnumber the kids (albeit not by much). This is crucial to the success of such a mission, when the oldest one likes to wander, the middle one darts off unannounced and the little one has a mind of his own.

We survived the entire day at the aquarium and made it to dinner. The kids were re-energized and we went for round 2 of rowdy play at my aunt's place. Kids splashed in her jacuzzi tub and continued with more horseplay. We were in utter disbelief at their display of energy.

The moment they got into their car seat, they were out like a light. I wasn't the least bit surprised.

In a few moments that'll be me too.

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