The power of sight
This is Gibson a 6 month old guide dog puppy in training who I met yesterday, but I just had to blip him today. The couple were at the RDS & have volunteered after losing their 12 year old dog & not wanting to commit to a new dog for 12 or more years, very responsible of them.
They were introducing Gibson to the crowds at the RDS, horses. Apparently he initially barked at them, but they had managed with the help of an exhibitor to introduce him to one horse & he was able to sniff it, the puppy walkers are taking their responsibility to him extremely seriously. They are getting a lot out of it themselves, but more importantly they are assisting in producing a potential guide dog, so hopefully Gibson will pass with flying colours and be the “gift of sight & independence” for a blind person in due course.
Fiona has suggested that my photo is on a par with some of the ones on sale on the stands by professional photographers, that made me feel proud since I did not have an opportunity to get a formal sitting or proper background for the photo, but I just couldn’t resist him.
I hope you like it.
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