
By TynvdB

The Holy Crossing

Luckily I awakened in time for having that early morning swim. And it really was amazing. No wind at all. A bright sky after pouring rain during the night. On my way to the dunes I travelled through a damp and hazy sunlit world, still dripping everywhere. The sea was even more mirror like than yesterday. If such is possible…At the surf a woman was sitting, Squatting or with bend knees. She wore a white kind of cloth over her head. I saw a long grey blue coat and a very long skirt. She sat there as if she had passed the night in the rain there. To pray during low tide? Almost nobody else within sight. Serene morning rituals at the seaside.

I had the laziest swimming rounds I can remember from the last years. You could really float without swallowing a mouthful of ‘Blue Selzer’, marvellous! On leaving the beach I hesitated. It was so deserted, and still silent - apart from that meditating ‘nun’ or whatever she was. So I strolled some extra rounds, making some more photos and as I was just about to leave I saw a group walking over the peninsula to the North. Dressed in the same way as that surf meditator. Aha, some small congregation trip - barefoot! - I thought. And indeed, they joined their stick-in-the-mud sister and then - as you can see on the photo - they lifted their skirts, pants and coats. And there they crossed the waters from the peninsula on to dry land. Quite in time before the flooding tide would impede to ground into safety.

Such a Holy Morning Experience and now we know finally where that Crossing Location Really and Truly is to be found. Of course it is at the End of the Zandmotor-Peninsula, that Desert with its Desert-Saints. May there - at that End - Be the playful region where we can meet in each other the ultimate Unknowable Other or Otherness. In the dangerous gulf between the Desert and the Grounding Sands, where we cross over stepping stones into the promised landing. That is the Crossing into the Unknowable Mystery of You.

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