Is it?

...ballet yet, Mama?

4years 290days
Oh is she missing dancing. Missing it so much.

A pottering at home morning. We started with a great and lay in bed watching Bake Off together. I had a dress to finish and we did some reading together (under my sewing table). We decided to go to town as she wanted to do some baking, inspired by the show, and we didn't have eggs. We treated ourselves to a bakery sandwich and shared a pint of milk. We arrived home to messages from a friend who ended up bringing her son round to play with Katie (they go to nursery together and are missing seeing each other as much as they used to). They spent lots of time in the garden. Although, they also spent enough time playing in her room that it looks like a bomb exploded. This crazy bedroom thing is so alien to me as she's not usually ridiculously untidy!

After they'd gone, I have her tea and we made biscuits. We went round with a plate of them to a friend and had a wee natter. She came home and stayed up a bit late colouring and chattering to me. I was putting her to bed and downstairs for her milk when I heard:
"Mummy!!" She shouted from the bed.
"Yes Katie?" I called
"Mummy, when I was a baby, why didn't you call me Rapunzel? I think Rapunzel is a good name!"

What do you say to that?! Our friend popped round for some more biscuits and a bit more natter. Katie hadn't quite dropped off, so sloped down the stairs with a mischievous look on her face, snuggled in and fell asleep on Emma's knee and stayed there for a cuddle a while!

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