A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Market day

One of my favourite things to do in Spain. We get amazing fresh food, I get to make valiant attempts at speaking Spanish*, and it all costs, relatively speaking, next to nothing. Seemed even more ridiculous this year and I almost couldn't get my head around quite how little they were charging. Not sure if that is a reflection of their low prices, or our high ones. Probably a bit of both.

Market shopping can only be followed by coffee and tapas in a nearby square.

Home for lunch, a little bit of work (shhhh), games in the pool, a very fine barbecue chicken feast, Forbidden Desert (we escaped!) and Jackson introducing us to Hearts, courtesy of the Young Bond he is reading - a brutal card game but loved by us all....make of that what you will, hmm...

Another fine summer day in Spain,

Lesley x

*every so often I even understand what they say back to me!

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