Porty People and Places

Our young grandson is at that age where everything is a surprise. This morning's spectacle on the sands at dawn was just another curiosity to him. This morning it also bemused the two men with their dogs and the three locals who brought out their tea pots to watch what they called these "vultures hoovering up culture in oor toon, ken" !

The setting was dramatic. The show looks stunning. You have to have a headset to understand what is really going on. The audience aka "vultures" are huddled on the right and are marshalled, penguin-like, to get the best vantage points as the saga unfolds. I commend this spectacle to you all and there are further performances at 2030 this evening and at 0630 and 2030 tomorrow and Sunday. Full details of Out of Water here.

Two German cruise liners smooched up to Leith and Rosyth behind the actors and the Piano Man's tent remains on the beach. Who knows maybe he didn't actually flit after all. Nothing surprises anyone in Edinburgh at this time of the year!

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