Early morning dip.

As I only had time for a quick trip to the park this morning I was grateful for this little fawn's antics in the pond in front of me. I took several shots - this was the best of them.

Do you remember my cat Dot? Dot had overweight issues and has been on a diet since May. Well, I have marvellous news - he went in for his weigh in today. Dot has lost a further 300 gms, 700 gms in all, thus has reached his ideal weight of 6 kgs!
I had hoped to take a nice photo of him for Blip. However, he is a tad cross with me for dragging him off to the vet in his cat box and has disappeared for the time being - so a swimming fawn it has to be.

Have a good weekend everybody, and to those of you cycling 100 miles in the London Bike Ride.....all the best, ride safely! ((:

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