Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Not a Hornet

When I first glimpsed this I thought it was one of the Hornets that are making themselves very visible in the garden. This year the garden is full of flowers, thanks to the regular downpours, and the insects love it. The fennel always attracts loads of wasps, beetles and hover flies.

This is a new one for me so I made an initial attempt at an ID by typing ' hornet mimic uk' into Google. Bingo... it's called a Hornet Mimic Hoverfly, Volucella zonaria.

Also from Wikipedia... "In Great Britain, it was only known from two specimens prior to 1940, so was regarded as rare. Since then, it has become increasingly widespread in many parts of the South and South East England, often in association with parks and gardens, where adults are usually seen visiting flowers. Elsewhere in England, only a few scattered records exist.

The larvae live as commensals in nests of wasps of the genus Vespula. Like all Volucella, the adults are migratory."

Now that was quick! :)

If the skies are clear for you tonight, look up, turn your back to that Supermoon in the making and watch out for shooting stars! They should be raining down. If you live in the city, I'm afraid you will have to imagine the sight.

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