Concrete progress
We have two concrete slabs! On the hottest day for ages, our masons worked hard to battle the fast setting concrete, and all is done. I am hoping tonight's massive storm will not affect things...
The kids were surprisingly underwhelmed by the huge concrete truck and very long pipe thingy, so it was left to me and Mr B to stand around saying ooh and ahh. The kids did enjoy putting their hands in the concrete though - though first time it was too soft, and the final time too hard to make more than a shallow depression (I will paint them to make them stand out). Sadly with concrete there is then no going back to a Goldilocks 'just right' moment...
The handprints feature a guest print by Jao, a neighbour (currently living elsewhere because of the fire) who is having a sleepover with CarbBoy tonight. After pronouncing jelly and custard 'disgusting together' (I agree, especially since the kids chose lime jelly) he seemed to enjoy the Lego Movie ("Tout est super-genial" instead of "Everything is awesome") and, having already seen it in English made the jokes easy to follow for us grown ups.
I had an email today from the grandson of the English lady who used to live in our house. He turns out to be an author who has written books about the village. I shall have to pop down the library.
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