So it begins.....

We woke up early Saturday morning.....fed the animals, and headed out the door to take Ivy dog to the sitter's. Then we met up with Sugar's little friend, L, and her mama! We were so excited to get on the road for our "girl's trip".

We had such a great drive, and pulled into a swanky hotel for the night. The little girls were over the top excited. It was easily the fanciest hotel Sugar Bear has ever been in. The girls loved the revolving door, as you see, but the most exciting was the fun glass elevators. They could have traveled up and down those alllllll evening.

We did a bit of big city shopping, had dinner and headed back to the hotel. The girls were quite giggly to be together. They haven't really seen much of each other since school has been out. It was fun for us mom's to see them chit chatting away.. They have a really sweet little friendship.

The little girls enjoyed the saltwater pool and spa. It was crazy crowded, but they found spaces to enjoy while us mom's watched. Then it was off to bed for snuggles and giggles. It was a wonderful beginning.

PS. Back blipping like crazy right now.

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