The Morris Arrives at Retford!
This year is the 80th Anniversary of our Morris model which is now 80 years old. It's been renovated considerably over the years and made it safely all the way up from our home in Buckinghamshire to Thorsby for a gathering of the Morris community - quite a journey for the little motor (with the dog in the back).
Here it is arriving at the park in Retford where there was some event in remembrance of the WW1 start. It just about fits the criteria for Shapes and Shadows Saturday Challenge!
Many vintage vehicles were gathered - tractors, lorries, caravans, fire engine - in addition to a sizable collection of cars. My attention span was held as long as there were photographs to take and then waned. Hubby and friend are still out in the thick of it, whereas Alison and I have retired home for a spot of lunch, washed down with a glass of chilled white!
A pleasant meal and an evening of chat ahead; all is good!
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